Get real,
get punch.

Build complete business applications in XAML.

Deutsch   Nederlands


Founded in 2001, IdeaBlade has delivered development solutions to thousands of companies across many industries, including aerospace, agriculture, biotechnology, business services, defense, education, finance, healthcare, and insurance. We see the challenges they face and we’re constantly adapting to respond to their needs.


Punch (Cocktail) takes the pain out of developing WPF and Silverlight enterprise applications. Punch leverages established patterns and practices to create, navigate, and manage the network of screens and views used by line of business applications, and builds on DevForce’s rich data service capabilities.


DevForce provides the tools, techniques, and libraries to build powerful RIA fast. By building their infrastructure with DevForce, developers are able to reuse their server-side code with multiple front-end clients, so no matter what platform their customers want to use in the future, be it Silverlight, iOS, or HTML/JS, they’ll be ready.

Professional services

Companies that need additional resources trust our professional services team to design and build the applications that run their businesses.


IdeaBlade is a Microsoft Certified Partner and member of the Microsoft Visual Studio Industry Partner (VSIP) program.